Japanese LanguAge Lab

Lately I have been learning Japanese and have been trying different methods to see what works best for me. Focusing on vocabulary, I started developing a program in Unity that can help others learn as well. What started as a flashcard app, has evolved to a more themed app where it is more about making potions using the Kanji definitions and readings to create the correct answers.

Initially, the Hiragana was a separate button that would work more as a hint system. Eventually, it would turn into more of an in game keyboard where the potions are mixed in the proper order.

Prototype of what the reading would look like instead of the hiragana hint. Currently building it in 2D to test it out but want to make it in a 3D environment.

Another screen would have the English definition that would correlate to a temperature to make the potion properly. Once I get the parts working separately, I want to explore how to bring in a learning mode to teach the definitions as well as readings. With that I would also bring in modes to focus on one or the other and a review mode as well.

I have also considered ways to integrate in pitch accent as well as verb and adjective conjugation, but those are extra goals at this moment.