Unity Projects

Disney Imaginations Semi-Finalist 2019 Submission

The project was conceived by UVU's Team and created for the 2019 Walt Disney Imagineering’s Imaginations Design Competition. This project is the sole property of Walt Disney Imagineering and all rights to use these ideas are exclusive to Walt Disney Imagineering. The competition is a way for students and recent graduates to showcase their talents and for Walt Disney Imagineering to identify new talent.

Here's our pitch video that we made for our Disney Imaginations pitch. We made our environment to scale in VR so that we would be able to get a quick idea of what our scale would be. I was the project manager, story lead, and made the statue of Artemis. Josh Reynolds made the architecture of the temple itself. Collin Anderson was in charge of assembling the project in Unity, built the extra props in the scene, made the textures, and made the lighting and skybox in the scene. Our group/project made it as semi-finalists in the contest.

Josh Reynolds: https://www.artstation.com/caboose3d

Collin Anderson: https://www.artstation.com/genaralskar


Depth of Field Tool

A quick demo I made as a teaching aide for an example lesson I was preparing. The idea is that this would be something that could be used by kids while learning about photography so they would be able to experiment with a simulated depth of field to understand the concepts.

Made entirely by me over a weekend.


Crimson Sands

I worked on Crimson Sands with my team in school. I mainly contributed to VFX and creating a shader that worked with the Unity Particle system. For a further breakdown click here.


Unreal Projects

MacInnes Studios - Real-Time Short Challenge

This was my entry for the Real-Time Short Challenge competition organized by MacInnes Studios in Summer 2020. I used the Grace short film assets for my project and tried changing the context of the animations.

This was my first big project in Unreal Engine. I learned a lot about sequencer and how you are able to animate different aspects of the scene. This was a solo project that I worked on, and we had 30 days to make the final submissions from when we started. I'm pretty happy with how things turned out, and would love to try something like this again.